Food Fighters: Farmers Market Food & Nutrition Programs
The Legislative Building
Monday February 24th was Hunger Action Day in Olympia, Washington at our State Capitol.
The organization of the event was done by The Anti-Hunger and Nutrition Coalition.
Several NFM staff members and farmers went and advocated for funding for our markets and community members. We had several direct face-to-face meetings with representatives from all over the map to discuss continued funding for WIC, Senior & Farmers Market Nutrition Programs, SUN Bucks, free school meals for kids, rent stabilization and the working families tax credit.
For many farmers, food access programs account for 22% or more of their annual income. They then are able to donate and sell their produce to local food banks so there is a symbiosis in the market eco-system that makes certain that the funding supports a larger network.
And considering agricultural and economic concerns like the Avian Flu, our pastured egg farmers tend to have more sustainable and resilient practices that are not as impacted as larger scale operations that are thousands of miles away from us. Our diversified and robust small scale farming model provides a more stable and resilient food system for all of Washington. Our small businesses employ locally and keep our economy going as well as providing community and entertainment that enriches the lives of thousands. And if we think of the wider network of WA State farmers markets, we touch the lives of millions.
We want to make sure everyone, not just well-off people, have access to nutrition and basic human needs. We are all rooted together.
The legislators were supportive of our cause, but millions of dollars of funding are on the chopping block due to the State’s massive deficit. We will need to continue to press all law makers (particularly the new governor’s office) to not make cuts to these programs and instead make cuts elsewhere.
If you would like to lend your support as a constituent (it does make a difference) call or text your reps/senators. Hand written letters are also impactful (just slower).
These are the issues we want to push for:
Extending Funding for Food Banks in Washington (House Bill 1404 / Senate Bill 5352).
Fully fund senior nutrition programs. This is a life-line for many.
Maintain current funding levels for SNAP/WIC. ($6 million investment needed to maintain current service levels).
Continue funding SUN Bucks to fight summer child hunger. ($11.8 million to DSHS).
Promoting food security through housing security (House Bill 1217 / Senate Bill 5222).
Preventing cuts to housing services (House Bill 1858).
Expand access to the Working Families Tax Credit (House Bill 1214 / Senate Bill 5768).
We need everyone to make a push for a better future for Washington farms and communities.
You can find information about your legislators here.
Learn more about our market food access programs here.
Our Food Access Coordinator - Joey Lu, Capitol Hill Market Manager - Madison Silva, and Marketing and Communications Manager - Gia Kaur