Become a Community Booth Partner
Nonprofits Helping Nonprofits
Are you a local nonprofit or community organization looking to connect directly with Seattle residents? Consider joining us as a Community Booth Partner! With locations in seven Seattle neighborhoods, NFM farmers markets represent nearly $15 million in annual revenue for local farms and food producers. Our markets provide an opportunity to reach thousands of dedicated shoppers who care deeply about healthy eating, sustainable agriculture, and supporting a robust and equitable local food economy.
Please fill out our community booth inquiry form so we can assess your eligibility and determine if you’ll be a good fit for our markets. If you are approved, we will reach out to coordinate scheduling and logistics.
PLEASE NOTE: Space is limited and we simply don’t have room to accommodate all inquiries. Generally, we are able to give only one or two dates per season to any one entity. The following organizations and activities are NOT accepted for community outreach space in NFM farmers markets:
Churches/religious groups
Political campaigns or petitioning
Fundraising campaigns
Partisan lobbying groups
School recruitment
Business promotion (see: Sponsorship)
Issues-based nonprofits and advocacy groups will be considered on a case-by-case basis; preference is always given to work that is aligned with our mission.
We welcome inquiries from community groups that:
Directly serve the farmers market neighborhood.
Increase local fresh food access to low-income individuals and families.
Educate shoppers about local food, sustainable farming, agriculture, or gardening.
Provide engaging and relevant activities for families and neighborhood residents.
All Community Booth Partners must read and agree to NFM's Rules and Information Sheet before attending any of our farmers markets.
Community Booth Partners MAY NOT sell products or actively engage in fundraising activities at market. To sell in our markets, you must be a local farmer, food producer, or prepared food business selling locally produced agricultural products or foods using Washington-grown ingredients. If this is you, apply to sell as a vendor! NFM markets are farm and food only. Learn more: https://seattlefarmersmarkets.org/become-a-vendor
If you represent a private business, school, or national/international nonprofit interested in tabling at our markets, please consider becoming a market sponsor. Learn more: https://seattlefarmersmarkets.org/sponsor-1
Questions? Please Contact Us.
Examples of current and past community booth partners: Master Gardeners, Seattle Tilth & Master Composters, Seattle food banks, SDOT, Sound Transit/Metro, Seattle Public Utilities, Seattle Parks, Lake City Future First, Columbia City Business Association, WIC clinics distributing farmers market benefits, tool libraries, Seattle Public Library.
FEES: There is a fee for Community Booth Partner space in the market. The fee amount varies depending on the market and time of year.
$45/day at Columbia City, Capitol Hill (Sunday), West Seattle & University District during the main season (April - December)
$35/day at Lake City, Magnolia & Phinney, Capitol Hill (Tuesday) or winter season at the markets listed above (January - March)
Fees must be paid in advance of your market dates in order to confirm your spot(s) on the schedule and are non-refundable, though we may issue refunds in special circumstances. Some organizations may qualify for a sliding scale or waived fees. Special fee exceptions can be made if the community partner is providing specific services at the market (e.g., handing out WIC checks to WIC recipients to purchase fresh produce in the market). If you have questions about whether your organization qualifies for a sliding scale or waived fee, please Contact Us.
NOTE: The City of Seattle does not allow vendors or solicitors to set up outside the legal market boundaries without a permit. If you have questions or special requests, please check in with market staff at the Manager Tent.
Requests to stand outside the market footprint and engage with market shoppers are approved on a case-by-case basis. These include signature gathering, leaflet distribution, or handing out information regarding upcoming elections or community events. Please check with our staff at the Manager’s Tent before setting up and note the following guidelines:
No amplified sound (megaphones or speakers)
No standing, leafletting or signature gathering inside the market perimeter
Please direct this activity to an area outside the market and do not block entrances, exits, or access to the market
No blocking or interfering with vendor booths, market operations, or safety logistics
No tables, equipment, or signage can be set up in the public right-of-way. Tables set up on public sidewalks require an SDOT/Public space permit
The City does not permit entities to “barnacle” on to the markets – each market layout is permitted for market activities only
NFM follows free speech guidelines for protected and unprotected speech. Unprotected speech, such as obscenity, incitement, fighting words, threats, or criminal conduct will not be tolerated.
The NFM is non-profit 501(c)3 organization whose purpose is to support local farms. Our markets are private, City-permitted events to which we welcome the public; we screen all applicants for space and reserve the right to refuse space to anyone. We are not able to give space inside the markets to signature-gathering, petitioning, leafleting, non-market signage, partisan political groups, or political campaigning, and we ask that individuals or groups that wish to occupy public space next to the markets please be respectful of foot traffic and to be aware of all City rules and required City permits regarding public space use.
The markets are crowded and our mission is to facilitate connections between farmers and consumers, while also maintaining the safety and health standards required of food businesses and farmers markets. Farmers markets operate strictly within permit and layout guidelines mandated by SDOT, the Fire Marshall, the Health Department and other City entities, and we are fully held responsible for maintaining the mandates given to us by these entities. Violations of our permitted space may result in closure of the market.