Music at the markets
Thank you for your support of local farms and farmers markets! In order to accommodate all the logistical and pratical needs of our markets while providing optimal support to our farmers and food vendors, we have a few rules. Please read below for general information on our busking guidelines and rules. If you are interested in busking in a market, please simply ask in person at the Market Manager booth.
Busking Guidelines and Rules:
Buskers must first register at the Market Manager tent in the market they wish to perfom at, by signing an annual Busker Agreement Form and paying an annual $15 fee. We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and busker fees will be put into our Good Farmer Fund, which is our emergency relief fund for our local farmers. Fees are nonrefundable and do not guarantee any busker the opportunity to perform. Fees and agreement forms are per person/group, are valid for the current year only, are non-transferable, and must be renewed each calendar year at each market you wish to perfom at.
Each market requires its own annual fee - for example, your fee for Capitol Hill does not apply to University District, etc.
Market busking spots are not guaranteed and are available on a first-come, first-served basis, with room for one (or occasionally 2) performers. Some markets cannot accommodate buskers, depending on the layout, other planned events, and acoustics of the space. Buskers are allowed a limited time to play (usually two 45 or 60 minute sets, in rotating spots, per market day).
All performers must check in with the market manager upon arrival to see if there is space to play that day, regardless of how many times you have played there in the past.
Amplification is permitted on a case-by-case basis with permission from the Market Manager and may be revoked at any time. There is no access to electricity at any market. Volume of music must always be congruent with market operations - music that is too loud cannot be accommodated.
All performers must abide by all rules spelled out in the agreement form, as well as all market rules and all directions given by market staff at all times, including directions regarding volume, location, time limits, etc. We do tremendous work with, and pay numerous permit fees to the City including SDOT, Parks Dept, Health Dept, Fire Dept, and other entities in order to operate our markets safely, leagally and viably for the benefit of local farms and access to local food for all.
Buskers who do not cooperate with market staff or who accumulate 3 or more complaints will be asked to leave one or more NFM markets for the duration of the year or indefinitely. Buskers may be asked to cease performing for the day and leave the market premises at any time.
Anyone who is under the influence of alcohol or any controlled or illegal substance may not be on the market premises.
Performers are welcome to put out a tip jar, and sell their own recordings. (Performers should not expect gifts or produce from market farmers or food vendors. Our vendors are already giving generously to local food banks and charities.)
Agreement forms are not available online - you must inquire in person at the Market Manager tent for info, forms and permissions.