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Featured Ingredient: Leeks

Leeks, though grand in size, are generally considered quite ordinary here in the United States. Perhaps we don’t give leeks the credit they’re due, for in Wales, they are symbolic of bravery, heroism, and national pride. Read on to learn more about why we should all reconsider the leek.

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Featured Ingredient: Fennel

Fennel is one of the coolest edible plants out there. Its history is as varied as it is ancient, and its uses are as diverse as they are global. This very well documented herb has been studied by scientists, shaman, and chefs alike for its medicinal, spiritual, and culinary uses around the world. Read on for a deep dive into this important and delicious herb.

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Featured Ingredient: Brussels Sprouts

A few days ago, this NFM foodie learned that Brussels sprouts are a controversial vegetable. Brand new to this debate, I, of course, took a stand. Brussel sprouts are one of my favorite things on this earth, and I believe that people who dislike them simply haven't tasted them properly cooked. If that argument doesn't land with dissenters, (and apparently it doesn't, more often than not), perhaps this divisive vegetable's fascinating background will compel non-believers to give them one more try.  

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Featured Ingredient: Pumpkin

Does anyone else imagine a big round pumpkin as the O in October when autumn rolls around? There are few things as delightful as the giant, bright orange squash glinting in the autumn sun, or glowing from within through a carved grimacing face. October is one of the few times of year we are actually encouraged to play with our food here in the U.S., a tradition that began far from our shores. Read on to learn the story behind pumpkins!

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