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Featured Ingredient: Pumpkin

Does anyone else imagine a big round pumpkin as the O in October when autumn rolls around? There are few things as delightful as the giant, bright orange squash glinting in the autumn sun, or glowing from within through a carved grimacing face. October is one of the few times of year we are actually encouraged to play with our food here in the U.S., a tradition that began far from our shores. Read on to learn the story behind pumpkins!

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Featured Ingredient Guest User Featured Ingredient Guest User

Featured Ingredient: Pears!

Tender and sweet, pears are the buttery textured autumn fruit of our dreams. Amazing in savory and sweet dishes, pears aren’t just versatile at the dinner table. We learned about how adaptable pears are on a global scale, and why they are so important to food economies around the world.  

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